I am currently serving the following communities below:
Admiral - Adelaide - Alaska Junction - Alki - Allentown - Arbor Heights - Arroyo Heights - Arroyo Beach - Beverly Park - Boulevard Park - Buenna - Burien - Cambridge East - Cedarhurst - Chelsea Park - Delridge - Des Moines - Duwamish - Evansville - Fairmount Park - Fauntlee Hills - Fauntleroy - Five Corners - Foster - Gatewood - Genesse - Grandview Park - Gregory Heights - Highland Park - Highline - High Point - Inglesea - Lake Burien - Lake Fenwick Park - Lakeridge - Latona - Laurelwood - Manhattan - Maplewild - Marine Hills - McMicken Heights - McVan - Mount View - North Hill - Normandy Park - Orillia - Pacific Ridge - Pigeon Point - Puget Ridge - Redondo - Riverton Heights - Salmon Creek - Salt Aire Hills - Seahurst - SeaTac - Seaview - Seola Beach - Shorewood - Shorewood on the Sound - Skyway - South Park - Southern Heights - Star Lake - Sunnydale - Three Tree Point - Tukwila - West Hill (Kent) - West Seattle - White Center - Woodmont Beach - Zenith
Note: My goal is to stay out of the congestion of Seattle traffic and off the freeways to provide a high level of service to my local communities. If you are in a neighboring community to the ones listed here, then ask if I can service your area. Also, if your neigboorhood is missing from the list then let me know and I will add it.